Friday, April 16, 2010

Sprocket07's Review of Books and Movies #1

Hey everyone! So, I just went to see Alice In Wonderland today and it was SUCH a good movie! I recommend it for people 9 years and up. It's a very good movie, but a part that I don't get is the fact that they call Wonderland, Underland. The beginning is quite boring but as it goes on it gets much more exciting. The white rabbit in the vest doesn't really have that big of a role in the story in the way that Alice doesn't go chasing after him yelling "You dropped your gloves" or "You dropped your pocket watch" etc. Oh and also, if you see it in 3D you'll probably be surprised that they used real actors instead of animation.

Another thing, I just read the Percy Jackson series and I gave it 2 thumbs up! It's really cool if you like mythology, monsters and climbing trees (jk ; ) . That's really all there is to it. I would recommend it for people 8 years and up.

Yet another thing that I read is the Warriors series. It is very cool and it's all about cats. You'll like it if you absolutely, positively, LOVE to read because the whole series is about 20 books long : O Be warned: There are a lot of cats dying so don't favour one character because they might just end up dying :( I learned the hard way. There are 3 authors and they all go by the name Erin Hunter. Nt that their name are actually all erin Hunter but that's kind of the group name of something. One of the authors seems to kill off all the cats! It's weird, because every few books a lot of cats die. Not that the other authors don't make cats die too, it's just that particularly a lot of cats die in that book. I would recommend it for anyone that doesn't cry at movies (or sad books!).

BYE!!! -Sprocket07

1 comment:

  1. I loved this movie! It's definitely one to see in the theatre with the superb CG graphics. The only thing that drove me nuts was that I missed a couple of key phrases from the Mad Hatter. I don't think I'm going deaf, but I couldn't understand what he was saying -- and I thought I was pretty good with English accents.
    What did he whisper in Alice's ear at the end?
