Thursday, June 24, 2010

New Zelda Wii Game

Hello there! After many days, I am back with more news about stuff!

The video you see above is the new Zelda Wii game that some people have been talking about.
It is about Link, a villager of somewhere not in Hyrule (wow), this place is called Skyloft. Link finds
out about a land called Hyrule which is below Skyloft. I don't want to spoil the story but if you
would like to read the rest of this overview, head on over to
because I get GREAT Zelda news from them.

BYE!!! -sprocket07

PS I apologize for the size of the video.

1 comment:

  1. Link NEVER grew up in hyrule.He grew up in TP world,Kokiri forest,and apeared out of nowere in a forest,in majoras

